16 January 2010

Final Preparations

Greetings from jolly old England! Most of Team Kickabout has left the states and assembled across the pond in the city of Peterborough. A principle component of our preparatory work has been meeting each other and familiarizing ourselves with our incredible vehicles outfitted by Footloose 4x4. Monday, January 11th marked the first official day that Team Kickabout spent together as a collective family, and sharing confined spaces definitely expedites the getting-to-know-each-other process. Currently, we're one man down since he's pulling his weight for us stateside, but he'll join us soon enough to round out our Kickabout lineup.

Before we can kick off, we have a laundry list of tasks to finalize. We find ourselves doing just that in "Peterbro" (as the locals say) with the help of our good friends at Footloose 4x4 guiding us in the right direction. We've been steadily chiseling away at our pre-departure chores little by little, centimeter by centimeter, all while adjusting to the metric system. By day's end, we are absolutely exhausted from making treks out to find "bits 'n bobs," mustering up courage to drive on the other side of the road, and all the hours of packing, unpacking and repacking. It's taxing work and can be frustrating at times, but things are definitely coming together and we expect to take this show on the road come Saturday morning.
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