22 March 2010

Sudan: Discovering and Playing

Sudan from Elias Sinkus on Vimeo.

Just outside the Royal City in the middle of nowhere, a little girl leads a blind man. She is small – underdeveloped for her age due to a lack of necessary nutrients – but her vision is good. Her eyes have been offered up to guide her uncle. She has to help. Her uncle is the sole breadwinner, selling his carvings and the random trinkets he finds.

Our connection to Vitamina goes back a few years to a time before the Kickabout set foot in Sudan. Tom and Maria met a younger, more frightened Vitamina the last time they were here. On that particular trip, they traveled extensively throughout three different countries, but the image that stuck closely to their hearts was one of a wide-eyed Vitamina, skittish, yet carrying out her family duties.

Imagine Vitamina’s surprise when these foreigners returned three years later to visit her specifically. Maria, beyond excited, came armed with a token of friendship, gifting the growing girl a bold red scarf. Maria thoughtfully selected the color of this present due to its association with power and strength. Surprised by such a gesture, Vitamina accepted the gift, standing tall with a huge smile on her face, the fabric’s vibrant hue complementing her skin beautifully.

Eli came bearing a different kind of small red gift, as he pulled out a soccer ball and asked the kids if they wanted to knock the ball around. The boys jumped at the chance, but Vitamina, swaddled in her new red wrap, watched from the sidelines along with the other girls. She was momentarily relieved of her obligations, as her uncle was off at a distance peddling his goods, but she was still shy to participate with the boys.

Encouraging the girls to be girls, Maria got in the game. The sight of a grown woman chasing a ball inspired the girls to join in the fun. Sun blaring down on the desert, the laughter of child’s play erupted throughout the village.

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4 comments: on "Sudan: Discovering and Playing"

Sara Emily said...

Beautiful, I'm speechless.

Anonymous said...

One of the most beautiful videos I've seen of my hometown.

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