16 February 2008

We Never Outgrow our Right to Play

10 February 2010 - Right To Play’s motto is “look after yourself, look after one another”. During our time in Jordan, we have noticed kids taking care of one another. Be it older siblings feeding and cleaning the youngins’ or budding buddies walking to school hand-in-hand, there seems to be strong camaraderie that helps inch each another along.” It’s a good rule to live by and we’ve definitely seen this saying in action these last few days.

We arrived at Sukhneh Preparatory School and found a meticulously organized gym class of young ladies ready to play. These girls were happy to learn, giving each other (and Eli) high fives all around. They must take after their Right To Play-trained P.E. teacher, as she was the most openly athletic woman we’ve met in Jordan.

As a role model, she proudly exhibited her enjoyment of soccer as both a woman and an adult. Some find work and play difficult to juggle in their grown-up years, but this gym teacher finds simple balance by literally juggling - the soccer ball, that is.

Eli’s birthday festivities continued well into the day with a stop at Zarqa Preparatory School (where he got a surprise birthday song). The school, made up of over 1,000 Palestinian refugees, was an incredible example of community cohesion in action. These kids were a talented bunch in their own right, demonstrating glints of individual athletic aptitudes, but the Zarqa boys moved as a team and stopped to pick fallen teammates up off the blacktop. Right To Play coaches and school staff members looked on approvingly and jumped in when teaching moments arose. The greater student body crowded the asphalt to get a look at the game, some claiming spots on balconies and other high objects to get a bird’s eye view.

Those at Zarqa Prep were quick to adopt us as their own, celebrating Eli’s birthday as if they had known him since his day of birth.

How many 23rd birthday parties include a day full of recess?

Playing soccer all day long seemed fitting for Mr. Sinkus’ special day; everyone knows he’s a big kid at heart.

Aren’t we all?

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2 comments: on "We Never Outgrow our Right to Play"

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