24 January 2010

Eli's Lens: European Trek

So I left the states about two weeks ago. The first week was spent making purchases, repairing things on the car, packing creatively, and barely sleeping. Here we are in the second week and it has consisted of driving, taking pictures, editing pictures, and barely sleeping. I know I can speak for the rest of the Kickabout team when I say I wish I could snap my fingers and be in Egypt!

Some of my friends have asked me about our mad dash across Europe and plans to get to Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as soon as possible. Don’t get me wrong I am loving Europe and want to come back and see it properly when I have the time; however, this lifestyle of traveling to a city, trying to see it in less than a day, photographing, and editing photos and then getting up the next day to do it all over again is draining. It would be a crime to just speed through Europe and not even stop to appreciate its beauty; but half the time I zip my camera away into its bag thinking, “this isn’t part of the mission so I don’t have to document it.” Then, without fail, I dig it out in a frenzy slapping myself for being so foolish.

So today I had a bit of an epiphany. This is all relevant.

Documenting our journey across Europe and learning as much as I can about the cultures of Europe will provide invaluable insight when I get to Africa and begin Kickabout proper. This Europe segment is more than just a trail to Africa. Showing and sharing Europe now will help me show and share Africa in an honest and open manner. I can’t wait to look back at the complete package of photos and videos and compare where we started, where we ended up, and all points in between. I am sure when I put my photos from Africa and my photos from Europe next to each other at the end of the trip I will struggle to find commonalities. Yet in the same breath, I will walk outside in South Africa and hear the cheers and the songs of Europeans and Africans alike. The songs that I heard in Chelsea and St. Etienne will be sung in different dialects, starring different heroes, however they will be sung wherever we go.

For now, enjoy our little jaunt to the San Siro – home of Inter Milan and AC Milan. More to come!

- Sinkus

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