24 January 2011

See you in 2014!

Kickabout: Africa 2010 was a huge success, and we are beyond thankful to everyone who made it possible. It was an amazing experience; we learned so much, tried so many new things, and met so many incredible people.

To the kids and the coaches who showed us a face of Africa too often overlooked...we are humbled and honored to know you. You will be with us everywhere we go from this day on.

We were overwhelmed with the response Kickabout received everywhere we went, and to our friends, family, fellow adventurers, and the beautiful people who never hesitated to give us a helping hand and pat on the back....

Shukran! Amesege' nallo'! Asante sana!
Murakoze! Zikomo! Kea leboga!
Ngiyabonga! Enkosi!
Thank You!

If you would like to get more information about Kickabout and our plans for 2014 and beyond, please contact Brian at brian@thekickabout.org.

The Countdown to South America begins now!

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